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MasterChef Australia - S13E53 - Everything Box

As we all struggle with how to continue to watch this TV show without Pindo, here we go with another episode.

Today we have the everything box – there is lamb loin, milk, white onion, black pepper, verjuice, bay leaf and black pepper. They have to use everything in their dish.

They are putting in one more ingredient – it comes straight from the farm. Farmer John comes straight from his farm with a  …….. Coles crate. He has brought purple cauliflower.  

Top 3 dishes today progress to the final immunity challenge for this year and a direct spot into finals week.   

Elise is making caramelized lamb and onion tortellini – she is doing a blackberry sauce and is going to stain the lamb purple using the juice as well. It is going to be a weird purple dish.  

Tommy is making a Lamb fat roti with a sweet sauce. He says he needs to multi-task. And then duly fucks up his 2 attempts at multi-tasking by burning his caramel.

Kishwar is of course making the most basic shit one could possibly make because who cares about this competition. She is making a lamb shish kabab and gobi parantha.

Linda is struggling – doesn’t have a complete dish in her mind. But she is working on a couple of elements and hoping that something will come to mind. Jock says she has to be one of the stand out dishes and she should think more. This is revolutionary advice – I’m Linda hadn’t considered thinking of ideas. Very Helpful.

Now Linda is making blackberry sauce with the bay leaf and the peppercorns.  

Pete is making seared lamb and cauliflower puree – but for some reason he has told the judges he wants to make it look like cauliflower. Pointless pressure of plating on himself.

Sabina is making pan seared lamb, smoked ricotta with a few other vegetables. Meat and veg but amped up.  

Tommy says he just has to make sure nothing goes wrong from now on – and he has promptly burnt his roti. The main thing in his dish. He’s having a bad day.

Jock’s face is priceless when he sees the purple tortellini – but he somehow looks past that and points out the bigger pressure point is the filling. Elise who had totally not expected Jock to actually pay attention to meaningless things like how the food tastes – is now stumped and stressed.  

Tommy meanwhile has a small fire going on his hibachi – having the time of his life, isn’t he.

Jock is excited about Pete, and Mel is excited about Kishwar’s kabab proving once again that she really shouldn’t be here as a judge.

Justin and Pete bro mance continues. Justin has learnt the word “lilac” from Mel and is now going around to everyone who will listen and using it like a child.

Elise is working on her filling – she has pan fried the lamb till it was medium rare, chipped it and blitzed it with the onion. Jock is dissapointed that Elise has been able to work it out – which means now he will be torn between handing over the win to Kishwar or Elise.

Tommy has a lot to do – he says again that he can’t afford to screw anything up now – he has added cream to his sauce – and it promptly splits. Jock points that out and walks off.  Tommy has now put in butter and is emulsifying – but now it looks like mayo. He just can’t do anything right today.  

Pete says he needs to make it look like a cauliflower -he really didn’t – all he had to do was cook a tasty dish.

Kishwar pats herself on the back for the bare minimum and says her super basic kabab was ambitious. Sigh how long a rope will they give her? Why is she even still here?  

The Tasting

Justin – Mel says all the element’s details are great. Jock says lamb is perfectly cooked – and the purple cauliflower is nicely featured.

Sabina – Jock says lots to love, ricotta was a standout, but only negative in her lamb dish is the lamb – which is a touch overcooked, even past medium in some places.  

Pete – His dish looks like a rotten brain, and nothing like a cauliflower. Faltu he has fucked himself on this. Mel says conceptually it is super clever and very fun, but he didn’t get there. Andy says it’s nice – but not perfect.

Kishwar – Andy says the kebab is a star. Mel says the gobi parantha is raw in the centre. Jock says if it wasn’t for that – one single kabab would have put Kishwar at the top of the pile. The favoritism is ridiculous.

Tommy’s dish is predictably bad – and we could all see this from a mile away, he has somehow also managed to fuck up his main element – the roti – which is raw and basically flour.

Linda – Mel is doing small talk but Jock wants to get right down to business.  Jock says she did pretty good and he really loved it. Mel also says the sauce is a show stopper.

Elise – Andy thinks it was hearty. So far from tradition, but so good as well. Jock is also very happy with the filling.

There is a clear top three today - Justin, Elise and Linda. They will cook off tomorrow in the final immunity challenge of the competition this year.  


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