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MasterChef Australia - S13E43 - Barter Mystery Box

Mystery box day – everyone lifts their lids and reveals that that all have different ingredients and a card saying 10 mins. It is a Barter Box – they can trade ingredients with each other – the time card can be used as a deal sweetener – and they have to use all 4 ingredients that they end up with. 

Skills in an outdated form of commerce that has been mostly useless since a few thousand years, surely must add much value to chefs. Sure.

It’s a fun challenge but totally pointless. 

Anyway, Tommy and Linda make an easy swap on vinegar and crab. Elise is using negotiation techniques she has learnt in law school and being a total asshole about getting the best deal for her ingredients. She wants to squeeze the 10 mins out of Tommy for the fish sauce – super racist. 

Justin it seems has completely misunderstood the point of this exercise and has exchanged 2 ingredients he didn’t want for another 2 ingredients he didn’t want with Aaron. He desperately wants some protein but instead of asking for one of the 2 proteins Elise has – he has got more veggies from Linda. Elise is so focused on getting 10 extra minutes seems to have forgotten that she needs to cook as well. She doesn’t win this challenge for being the best negotiator.

Finally Tommy gives Elise the extra 10 minutes and the cauliflower for the fish sauce. And Elise has hit her one goal of getting 10 extra minutes.

The ones with 80 minutes start cooking - Justin, Elise and Linda.  

Elise has celery, cauliflower, king George whiting and lambchops. Which is totally random combination of ingredients. Instead of this stupid aggression and showing off her negotiation skills, she should have swapped one of the proteins – Justin would have given anything for this.

Elise explains her dish which is going to be mostly the fish and a lamb sauce. Jock is appalled that she is using beautiful lamb chops to make a sauce and she plans to throw away the actual meat. He points out to her face that this was an idiotic barter.

Elise is now explaining how it pains her to waste this meat – and Jock says don’t do it then. Now Elise is totally stumped and has to figure out how to change her dish entirely.

In fairness, she is well within her rights to use the ingredients however she wants. Just because the judges think the dish should be cooked a certain way, doesn’t mean she needs to listen to it – or be judged harshly for it. 

But then on the other hand, this is over 40 episodes, she should know by now that the judges would pull something like this. 

Linda has played this very well and has a really nice set of ingredients.

Justin is slow roasting his pumpkin and plans to add the other vegetables in other textures.

Scott, Minoli,  Depinder and Kishwar start with 70 mins

Depinder has killed this barter thing  - she  has ended up with raspberries, chilli, chocolate, and oranges – all amazing ingredients that go very naturally with each other. She is surely making the top 4. Like 100%.

Kishwar doesn’t have the ingredients to make a Bengali curry – so no one cares about her and she gets no further coverage at all this episode. 

Aaron, Tommy and Pete start with 60 mins.  

Pete has pork chops! He is pairing that with a blackberry glaze and a sauce using the star anise. He is serving that with charred cabbage. This sounds really good!

Pete is doing the pork on the hibachi despite having has no success at all on this previously. His pork immediately catches fire and there are flames everywhere. Like the dog in the famous meme, Pete continues to say “its all good” while his bench is in literal flames.

Minoli is doing pasta (gnocchi) with prawns and figs. Aaron is making tuna carpaccio.  

Tommy is super excited and goes to hug Linda. Linda is like bro let me cook. He is a bit too happy about getting fish sauce. He is now singing a song about fish sauce.

Justin’s dish is actually coming together – the pumpkin is nicely cooked. He is adding crispy broccoli on the top for some texture.

I think it is clear that Justin, Depinder, Tommy and Pete are winning the four spots for the immunity challenge – since they are not showing anyone else at all.

Waaaaait a minute, I just noticed there are only 10 cooks here. Where is Sabina? Was there some additional elimination that I missed – or did she just bunk this challenge?

The Tasting:

Tommy’s crab pineapple noodle soup is so good, that Jock is giving a round of applause. Jock says the flavour is world class. Andy says it’s one of the best things anyone has cooked in this competition.

Pete’s Pork chops are cooked perfectly.  Jock says the sauce is delicious and Mel says cooking level is incredible.

Minoli’s gnocchi is surprisingly very good.  Andy says it is a ‘ripper of a dish’.

Kishwar’s non Bengali curry dish is predictably meh.

Linda’s chicken is excellent but the broth is super sweet.

Aaron’s dish is too much and too heavy. He has put so much mayo, fried capers, crumbs etc that the tuna is lost.

Scott’s dirty grilled meat is literally dirty.

Elise’s weird dish has lamb chops with a pickled whiting salad. Mel says she is happy to see lamb being done justice to – when ideally it should be a concern on how she uses an ingredient. Now, after making  her change her coherent dish idea -  the fuckers are complaining that it seems like 2 dishes. Jock rubs it in that everything is very well cooked – but no immunity for her because she made the stupid mistake of listening to the judges.

Depinder’s dish is predictably amazing. She is in the top 4 for sure. 

Justin’s pumpkin dish. Jock asks him to give himself a score out of 10 – he says 8.5. Jock says 9.5 –and that 0.5 was cut only for the plating (again why does this matter?). Jock says he needs him to be happy about this.

Andy says he is not sure if Justin is just strolling through the comp because he doesn’t constantly jump or dance or sing or cry. Justin gets a little annoyed and says boss I’m here after 13 people got eliminated, on the verge of top 10 – things are clearly working.

As expected - Tommy, Pete, Depinder, and Justin – go into the immunity challenge. 


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