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MasterChef Australia - S13E41 - Deliveroo Team Challenge

 Today we have a team challenge. This is a Deliveroo pop up menu challenge – each team has to prepare 60 serves of food – each containing a starter, a main dish and a side dish.

The teams are:

Green Team – Kishwar, Aaron,  Justin, and Minoli

Orange Team – Scott,  Sabina,  Linda, and Elise

Purple Team – Pete, Depinder, Maja, and Tommy


The Orange team is going with a Thai style menu since most of them are familiar with the flavours. Linda has suggested doing fish cakes – which now itself I can tell is going to be a massive failure because who the fuck is going to fillet that much fish for 60 plates of fish cakes??

The Green team has 3 people who can cook nothing at all except for curry, and Aaron – so they are building their entire menu around Sri Lankan flavours. Aaron has been given the job of captain so that he can stay as far away from the cooking as possible. 

The Purple team has chosen Maja as captain. They are going Indian because they have Depinder in the team – which is kinda idiotic since literally none of the others who anything at all about Indian food. This doesn’t look good for Pindo – it might well be her first pressure test.

Now Aaron has the job of explaining the Green team’s menu to Mel. Which is hilarious because neither know anything about Sri Lankan food. Anyway, the Green team are making a cutlis (basically fried potato ball)  for their starter, a black pepper beef curry for their main and a dry potato curry with sambal as their side dish.

The second most useless person in the team for this challenge is Justin – which is why he has been told to cut the onions and do all the prep. 

Maja explains the Purple team’s ‘Pindo inspired’ menu to Mel. Which is also hilarious for same reason as Aaron explaining Sri Lankan food menu to Mel. 

Anyway the starter is an aloo bonda (i.e. fried potato ball), Lamb Chettinad curry and a side of Gobi Matar. The big worry of course is that none of these are things she can just ask one of the others to make – ALL the cooking will have to done by Depinder. Doesn’t look like this is going to end well. 

Tommy is thinking 100 gm of lamb per serving is fine. Maja says 120 gms and now they are struggling with the maths of how much lamb is required. They well of course go to the Indian on the team for help who duly does the maths instantly. Side note – 120 gms seems too little for a main. This is already a fuck up. 

The Orange team is doing fish cakes for starter, duck red thai curry for mains and pad kra pow as a side dish.  They are currently struggling to break down ducks for their main – they are just going with 1 duck leg for the dish – Jock is appalled with the wastage, and asks them to rethink their menu.

Now they are going duck breast + one Maryland. They have chosen 2 dishes which are super high prep – Sabina suggests they do something different for the starter – everyone ignores her.  

Andy says to Depinder that the Green team is also doing fried potato balls and a curry so it makes it super easy to compare. Depinder says it’s not worrying when you know you are the better one. Oh no! Pindo has gone cocky – these fuckers have ruined her. Surely, surely going into elimination now.  

Asshole Andy now goes to Green team and throws petrol on flames – and now they are all ganging up on Depinder. Depinder tells them that she is definitely better than the other 3 curry cooks in the green team – which, of course, is totally true. But the problem is that there are 3 of them.  

Andy asks Minoli if the spices are too dark – she says its supposed to be like that. Andy – who has no fucking clue about this – has nothing to say and admits he was being a nosy shit and didn’t actually have any point to make.

Jock and Andy are now pointing out that Minoli still has to ball the potatoes. They are freaked out that she alone has to do 180 balls but Minoli seems to be pretty confident about this.

The Orange team is starting to fillet fish now – the snappers they want to use are super small. So that’s even more fish to fillet. 

Now Jock and Andy are not convinced that the Purple team have enough curry. Jock actually comes with scales and measures it out – says 5 pieces of lamb is not enough meat in the curry. Which world is this guy living in  - if I got 5 pieces of lamb in a small takeaway box, I’d be thrilled. 

They are short by half now. They think about adding some vegetables to bulk it up. Depinder is adding green capsicum now – she says it goes well with curries and she likes to add it at the end so it remains a bit raw and retains crunch. Sometimes, Depinder shows she’s Aussie – because no one in their right mind is doing to serve raw capsicum in a lamb chettinad!

Pretty sure the Green team is doomed now.

But wait, the Orange team has to fillet 15 fish in an hour. Sabina now loses it and tells her team that they are all idiots – and they need to get their heads out of their asses and listen to clearly the smartest person on the team. She says this is stupid, and they are sure to go into elimination like this. The prospect of failing an exam has woken up even ghissu Elise who was mostly absent till now and they have decided to ditch the fish cakes altogether. If only they had listened to Sabina like 2 hours ago!

Now they are serving the pad kra pow as an entrée – and making a fragrant rice as the side. Lol. The other teams are making additional dishes on top of rice to serve with their curries – and these guys are basically selling rice as a side dish. If they don’t get disqualified – this is genius.

Pete and Maja are working on the aloo bonda, while Minoli is doing the balls by herself.  

Aaron, whose one singular job is to manage the pass, is worried that they don’t have the pass set up yet. 

The Orange team is amazingly done with their curry. Sabina is now packing the rice. And they are suddenly the team that are most on track.

Justin has been relegated to runner now – and is charged with getting ingredients and bowls for the other capable cooks.

The Tasting

Orange team – Jock says he loved the curry. Mel says would pay top dollar for this. The starter is super dry through. They have bought the fragrant rice as a side dish lol. I bet the other two teams are kicking themselves.

Green team  -  Entrée is crispy and so much going on inside.  The curry is also very good.  Sambal also very good.

Purple Team – Jock loved the aloo bonda and the gobi matar. But the curry predictably is bad because it tastes of capsicum. It was an idiotic decision to put so much responsibility on Depinder – but on other hand maybe it was clever plot to try to get her eliminated.

Unsurprisingly – the Purple team is in the elimination and they go into the pressure test tomorrow.  


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