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MasterChef Australia - S13E23 - Immunity Challenge - Lucy Liu

 Third episode of the Beat the Brigade week.

People are pumped because its their home ground which of course gives them a HUGE advantage as we have seen multiple times in the last few seasons. Mel starts the episode by rubbing into the losing teams face that they will be in the elimination tomorrow. Dan is visibly dejected with good reason.

Today’s team to take part is Kishwar, Aaron, Tom and Brent. Quite a solid team in my opinion.

Aaron says this is a good team because “Tom is a dessert specialist and Kishwar is good with her flavours”.  He then goes on to add how he thinks this team with 3 white guys has “great diversity”. 

Today we have the team from a restaurant called Lucy Liu. Jenna North is the head chef and she’s here with her team Khanh , Dane and Zac. Jenna immodestly says everyone is a gun in her team – somewhat setting up a sureshot loss.

Today’s choice is that of Eastern vs European pantries. Each team will cook with a different pantry – why would you do this? Fairest if both cook from the same pantry – like they’ve done with the previous two challenges. This just gives more room for arbitrary decisions from the judges.

Anyway, Lucy Liu wins the coin toss and given that they are an Asian restaurant – they choose the Eastern pantry. This means the Contestants will have to utilize the European pantry.

Brent has put up his glorious beard hand as captain for the team today. They are doing stuffed zucchini flowers for their entrée, a oxtail curry which Kishwar defines as “North African” for some reason when it is very, very clearly South Asian. She justifies this with how there are no fresh ingredients and then rattles off a hundred spices which are available in the European pantry.  Tominator is going nuts and making a 7 layer berry entremets.

Jenna’s strategy is keep it smart and simple – in other words – “Kinda boring”. Dane is doing sashimi of coral trout with kombu dressing. Their main is a Korean version of san choy bow, and their dessert is a carmelised condensed milk and chocolate dish.   

Jenna is pretty confident she is going to win and her biggest worry is how to scale this down to just 20 people – which is another sure shot sign that they will fuck this up. 

Mel says EVERY team that has won so far has done so on their home turn – which is accurate since this has happened only once before and that team has happened to win. 

Jock and Andy are worried about Jenna’s dessert- and particularly whether it will have time to cool down and set.  Also she has just 3 elements and all are quite simple – but they will let her go through with all this without telling her she may need to do more.  Particularly compared to Tom who has completely lost it with ambition.

Ghissu Elise is, as always, worried about the rules. One good thing to come out of her ghissuness is that Jock has now been forced to admit that they don’t need to make a European dish or an Eastern dish – they just have to use the pantry. So we probably won’t see too many “did not Mexico this as much I wanted this in my head to be Mexico-ed” kind of idiotic judgements.

Jock goes over and checks on the contestants. For some reason he tells Tom that his dessert comes down to perfect execution (like literally any other dish today) and says “Don’t let it be your dish that sends you into elimination (because producers have decided you are the great white hope who will go a long way this season)”.  

Jenna is now thinking maybe she went overboard with the confidence as they struggle to find the right brand of soy sauce.

Brent and Aaron are done helping to get the oxtail into the pressure cookers and are now fiddling with getting the zucchini flowers stuffed. Brent tells Andy they plan to do 1 flower per plate, and Andy is like “Even I know that’s a terrible idea”.  So now they are doing 2 flowers per plate. 

Entrée tasting

Lucy Liu’s Coral Trout Sashimi with kombu dressing - Andy loves the dressing – but finds the shiso very over-powering. Even Jock agrees that’s too much shiso. They are almost certainly losing this.   

Contestants’ Scampi stuffed zucchini flower with tarragon mayo. Weird criticism of the presentation which is “retro” – because there is exactly one way in which all restaurants serve all dishes.  

But Jock says the dish was delicious, Mel who has stopped smiling, tells us she cannot stop smiling and Andy says the execution was perfect.

Back in the kitchen, Kishwar is reinforcing that she is NOT making a South Asian dish by making roti and adding it to her very obviously South Asian curry.  For some reason she is now making rotis all by herself. Good-est guy Zac has come over to help her roll out rotis. Kishwar shows her South Asian origins by completely missing the point that they are in trouble and this guy is doing something unimaginably nice by helping the opposition – and is “very proud that a professional chef is asking her about how to make rotis”

Jenna’s condensed milk has caramelized – now she has to hope it sets. This doesn’t look very promising.   

Mains testing

Lucy Liu’s  Korean San Choy Bow – Mel says “beautiful generous plate of food” which doesn’t tell us at all how it actually was. Jock says the wagyu was lovely and Andy says he wouldn’t change anything about the dish.  

Contestant’s  Oxtail Supposedly-North-African-But-Very-Much-South-Asian Black Curry with flatbread roti.

Jock continues to show he has no experience with this side of the world’s cuisine and is “saving bread” and eating his dish with a fork and spoon. They all agree that there was a lot of flavour in there and Jock says it was a mic drop situation. Pretty sure the contestants are winning this. 

Back in the kitchen, Tominator is struggling to get his dessert out of the pan – it’s stuck. He turns it over and scrapes the side and now it comes out easily. He is worried it may be too complex now and his biscuit at the bottom is a lot thicker than he wanted.  

Jenna’s dessert is not set as much as she wanted – but she says it tastes good and they have classic flavours so it should be okay.

Dessert Tasting

Contestants’ Berry Entremets – Jock says the mousse was nice and tasty but the biscuit “was bulletproof”. Andy says they should have gone for fewer components.

Lucy Liu’s Caramelised condensed milk, mandarin granita, and biscuit crumb – Andy says the flavour was nice and Jock also agrees. Mel says she is disappointed that this is a dish that has come from a professional team which is totally unnecessary in this kind of setting. Sure she is not welcome to Lucy Liu again.

Side note, this is why all such immunity tastings should be blind.


Entrée – As expected the Contestants win. This was the only real shock for Jenna and team – they thought their entrée was great. Perhaps it just didn’t match the palates of Jock and Andy.

Desserts – Again, with Tom’s bullet proof biscuit, Lucy Liu is a clear winner.

Mains – The judges say both phenomenal but since they have to choose one dish – they will give it to the contestants.

So now these 4 have also won immunity. I am just glad some of these guys who are good cooks won’t go home this week.

Brent also points out that their safety is more important than Lucy Liu’s reputation in a nice end to the episode.


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